I'm glad you're all here and the world didn't end this past weekend, as “predicted” by a radio preacher from California . Was it all a scam? Maybe he really believed it was true and hoped to be taken to 'heaven'. The blessing in all of this was the connection it created, the focus on the earth and the collective desire to stay here on our beautiful planet. So while we didn't leave the planet, experience a massive cataclysm or an alien visitation, it was a great success.
So what about the predictions from the Mayan Calendar? Anyone with no previous exposure to the Mayan Calendar will be surprised by the fact that some people today take such an interest in an ancient calendar.
Most people probably have a much too limited view of the importance of the Mayan civilization, and Native American traditions generally. In fact, at their height in the 5th to 9th centuries AD, the Mayan cities would be among the largest in the world and developed the most advanced mathematics and astronomy of their day. And so, even if the Native American civilizations hardly survived the later contact with the Europeans they were and are the carriers of a significant and irreplaceable part of the global human consciousness.
So, what about 2012?
Will the world end in 2012? The Mayan Long Count Calendar ends on December 21st 2012 (after over 5000 years). Does that mean the end of the world? No – although a lot of people do seem to think so. So what awaits us in 2012 basically is an open question. And as with so many open questions, countless doom preachers, semi-prophets and other crackpots pop up to provide an answer. The interpretation you hear most: 2012 will mark the coming of a new, glorious age of wisdom and peace. It will be Age Of Aquarius at last, with a world full of peace, love and understanding.
The reasoning behind this is actually not that stupid. The Maya's didn't really believed in endings: their conception of time was circular, with every end being the beginning of something new. So, 2012 shouldn't be an exception.
Also, the Maya's had a highly developed philosophy of the cosmos. They saw the cosmos as the true mother of things. Consequently, the Maya's thought the cosmos is all around us, and within us. Every plant, every animal, every man is sheer Cosmos.
Our beautiful world |