St Lucia
I left Gatwick early on a cold morning, when the world was still in black and white. Ghostly outlines of trees and motionless animals in the fields were only just discernable through layers of mist. Just a eight and half hour flight later, I stepped down into a place of sultry warmth and vivid colour. My senses were bombarded with the sights, smells and sounds of an island that’s truly alive. My dream destination, St Lucia is truly exotic and unbelievably beautiful. Gorgeous sandy beaches, brilliant sunshine and sunsets, sparkling water…
I went on a wonderful boat trip to see the famous Pitons, which rise from the waves to the clouds like pyramids of volcanic stone; the drive-in volcano and botanical gardens.
A canopy of green covers the island like a haze. Rolling hills grow to form volcanic mountains and reach to the sky. The main town of Castries move and shake to the sound of car horns, the smell of rotis fresh from the oven and reggae blaring on the speaker.
I met many women who were single, widowed or divorced. Each had their own “story”. Their courage, sense of adventure and love of life was a true inspiration!
Life in St Lucia is slow and the people smile from the heart. Life is simple. Love, respect and kindness. We can all learn from this amazing island.
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