Wednesday, 31 August 2011

31st August

This time last year when my relationship hit apparently insurmountable problems, we didn’t decide to call it a day, with all the agonising pain that involves; but decided that a separation would be the answer. 

Back in 1976 when people wore baggy trousers and maxi dresses, I fell in love for the first time.  Fifteen years old, and we were in big, proper love straight out of a movie, the way only teenagers can be, when you’d gladly follow him to the ends of the earth.

Flash forward a few years and we’re in our 40’s and the cracks are starting show.  The trouble with meeting your soul mate young is that the grass is always greener on the other side of the M25.  He’d see his younger colleagues all having fun, breaking up with women only to meet a new and improved model the next weekend… and he was, there’s no right word for it, envious.  He looked in the mirror, saw the thinning hair and flashes of grey and felt like an old man who had to watch the rest of the world roll merrily by, while he spent weekends laying horizontal in front the tv.  Was he missing out on the best years of his life.  To the 52 year old man, it certainly seemed that way.

I was having doubts too – he could sense it.  Plus there were just too many occasions when he went out and I wasn’t invited! Hmmmm

In no time we were rowing and eventually we both cracked.  I can’t do this any more he said, the fun’s gone out the window, I have to have my own space. 

So we acted like adults and decided to take a break from each other
Although tearful, we both knew things had to change.  So instead of ripping each other’s hearts out, we acted like adults.  So off he went and our separation began.  Did I have fun?  The honest answer is No.  I still went out with my girlfriends which I did before, but did someone come and sweep me off my feet? Not yet…

Did he have fun?  His honest answer is No.  Clubbing, drinking, drugs…. Not his scene afterall. Yet the legal proceedings are underway….

If a couple is truly meant to be together, you can look back and laugh at the year that has flown by.  Easier to do when young and childless, not so easy when older and have kids.  We’re now going to be grandparents in a few weeks and we’re planning our eldest son’s wedding next year.  The ties will always bind us as well as nearly 35 years of memories and dare I say love….

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