Monday, 14 November 2011


It was a wonderful experience at The Daisy Centre in Glastonbury on
11-11-11.  The ceremony led by Charu, with her wonderful smile, marked this special time as we linked in with Daisy Foss in Egypt and many others around the world who shared in the hope, blessings and meaning of this day.

I have always found the days after a big shift to be feeling “now what?” We feel the energy downloads, often experiencing intense physical side effects and then have the let down because despite all the anticipation and activity, the world appears to remain the same. But it is our desire for something different that is the true indicator that change is happening. And like in our own lives, it happens from the inside out. 

The best ways to use the energy after 11-11-11 is to keep our intentions active every day. Instead of measuring our results by when they happen, we must get into the habit of seeing them as happening right away; their physical manifestation is just the final aspect. For example “I AM losing weight” is a great affirmation for those of you with the intention of losing weight.
Our spiritual practice must become more disciplined if we are to step into our mastery and act as true co-creators. This doesn't mean we have to meditate every day but it does mean that we have to begin to remember ourselves as spiritual beings and stay connected to that energy and our co-creative power.
You are all stars, just as you are.  So just imagine wherever you are, whenever you are walking into a room, into a meeting, into a difficult situation, into the tube, into a date, into your messy kitchen with lots of plates to wash up, that you are walking on your very own positive path and you are the beautiful, perfect, amazing, sensual, alive, loved, star of life.
It does not matter what others see or think. It does not matter what your job is, or what you have achieved up till now. It does not matter if you are confused or have no clue or going through difficult times. It does not matter if your partner, parents, colleagues, family, didn’t see that you are that star when you most needed it. What matters is that you can see you are that.
You are enough as you are, more than that, you are a beautiful star.
And when you see that, you can really start being open to whatever is happening in life, even when things are a bit sh*tty.

Because if we remember that we are okay, then there is no self-judgment, just a shi*tty situation which can change at any time.

But If we conclude that things are difficult because something is wrong with us, we close down and everything gets stuck.
Remember you attract according to how you value yourself.  I am a shining star, how about you?

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