Monday, 26 March 2012


It was nearly 30 years ago that I experienced my first panic attack – something that one in ten of us will experience at some point, according to the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

At that time in my life I was under a lot of emotional stress, what with building work and decorating our new home; leaving my childhood home and the security of my parents; the preparations for our wedding and honeymoon.  Plus I was working full time in a pressurised role.  It all took its toll.

I was sitting down in my boss’s office just about to take shorthand when a wave of panic washed over me.  I felt faint, my heart was racing and my hands were clammy and thought I was going to die.  Then it passed and I began to worry if it would happen again and I’d work myself up into such anxiety, which brought on more attacks!

The day before my wedding, I had to be taken to see a psychotherapist as I didn’t understand what was happening to me!

He explained that these experiences were panic attacks and the overwhelming events of me leaving the security of my parents nest, plus working full time and the prospect of having to run my own home were just too much for me.  Also, add on the excitement and anticipation of the wedding and honeymoon and voila a “panic attack”!

Although very nervous, I managed to cope with the wedding and with that out of the way, enjoyed our honeymoon.  On return I went to the library to learn more about these attacks and how to deal with them.  Although it’s not known why some people suffer, experts believe attacks are the result of a “fight or flight” response when the body is flooded with the stress hormone adrenaline “out of context”.

Adrenaline increases the heart rate and blood pressure.  They can also be a symptom of anxiety, overwhelming feelings of tension, uncertainty and fear. This is where I first realised the importance of correct breathing; meditation/relaxation and an affirmation of “I am safe and this feeling is passing”.

During my time as a therapist I have met many, many clients who have suffered with panic attacks and I can truly emphasise with what they’re experiencing and help them deal with it and prevent them from happening.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Monday 19 March

Monday 19 March

The sun is shining, the sky is blue and the daffodils are in full bloom.  How beautiful!  This week is the Equinox; the Sun moving into the sign of Aries and nature’s birthing of a new season.  Spring gives us such a “spring in our step” as it’s a time of new growth and opportunities, and preparing for new beginnings.

This Equinox follows last week’s grand trine in earth signs and I received a phone call urging me to look at the sky to see Venus and Jupiter shining brightly together. Unfortunately, due to cloud I didn’t see them! But it was enough to be reminded that they were there!  These are the planets that bring us beauty and blessings.  Blessings sometimes come in unusual packages and we’re all being blessed with new beginnings, which always follow endings. Something has to end before something else can begin.
With the Equinox on March 22 we have a balance of daylight and darkness, and ongoing retrogrades of Mercury, Mars and Saturn. Life is all about creating “balance”. 

So, ask yourself -:
Where you can create balance in your life.
What is out of balance, out of alignment or just not working for you?
Is someone being frustrating, annoying or not honoring you?
How can you re-focus your energetic expression to create joy in your life?
Then bless wherever you are stuck because this is showing you how you can restore balance and move into joy.

It may feel unpleasant, especially with regard to relationships, but until you let go of what is not working and “shut that door”; then a new door of opportunity can open.  You are always only in control of your own life and it is important to be in “integrity” – to be true to yourself.  Bless the other person and know that they are on their own unique learning path. 

Make this the first day of your happy, powerful, joyful and joy-filled  new year.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Archangel Chamuel

The Archangel of Love and Self-Esteem.
“I give and receive love unconditionally"

Each week at my two meditation classes, the participants choose a card at the end of the evening for guidance for the rest of their week.  I have often picked a card from Chrissie Astell’s Angel Cards of Archangel Chamuel, the angel of Adoration, whose name (pronounced Kam-u-el) translated means "He who sees God".

Chamuel holds and represents the qualities of love, tolerance and gratitude. So I began to work on loving myself (learning to accept and love myself fully), practised being tolerant and mindfully focused on being grateful for everything in my life.

I understood that working on myself would then enable me to love others completely, unconditionally and without judgement. Archangel Chamuel helps us to find love, compassion, creativity and beauty in our surrounding environment as well as recognise these qualities in others. Chamuel also helps bringing real Love into your life.

I kept a rose quartz in my study where I work and one next to my bed.  It enhances the effect of working with this loving energy.

My intention this year is for real love which is strong and supportive.  Meaning loving without the need to control others, allowing them to be free, it is nurturing without smothering.  To love and be loved in return.

So you may ask, did it work?  I’m delighted to tell you that there is a person now in my life who I thank Archangel Chamuel for and I am so grateful.  He is a true angel and even has the name of one of my favourite Archangels.  That is all I can share for now but will keep you posted!

If you too are seeking true love, just ask Archangel Chamuel to help you and know that he will.
I wish you blessings in abundance.
With love and peace,

Heather x

Monday, 5 March 2012


Monday, March 05, 2012

Here we are in March which has a number of powerful events, including the Equinox, a continuing Mars and Saturn retrograde and Mercury retrograde.

Mercury retro (Feb 27 – Apr 23) is a great time to slow down, catch up on stuff and review if we are spending our time and energy on doing things that bring us happiness.   

March is the time to begin the integration of all of the learning we have experienced in the last fifteen or more years.

So it’s a good idea to ask yourself a few questions:

What do you want in your life? I know that I set the intention to experience true love.  As George Benson says in “Nature Boy” - To love and be loved in return.

How do you want to feel?  I set out the intention to feel joy, happiness, love, respected, pampered, adored and abundant. 

Who do you want to interact with?  Personally, I wish to interact with positive people whose cup is half full and they have a great attitude about living life to the full.

What kinds of experiences do you want to have? Personally, my intention is for being a successful author and having fun, laughter & travelling to different places, experiencing various cultures!

Who is hurt by your choices? Hopefully, no-one. But I have no control over that; there may be damage but we have to remember that what others choose to feel about our choices is not our responsibility. It’s time for all of us to live through our vision  

There is a powerful Full Moon on March 8 that connects with Mars and a New Moon the day after the Equinox that aligns with Uranus and Pluto. Anything that isn’t nailed down with your intention for joy may just go flying out of the window this month, whether you think you are ready or not. Or you may find that someone’s truly outrageous behavior (which you may have tolerated last month) becomes the last straw for you.
Have a wonderfully happy month.         

  Heather xx