Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Archangel Chamuel

The Archangel of Love and Self-Esteem.
“I give and receive love unconditionally"

Each week at my two meditation classes, the participants choose a card at the end of the evening for guidance for the rest of their week.  I have often picked a card from Chrissie Astell’s Angel Cards of Archangel Chamuel, the angel of Adoration, whose name (pronounced Kam-u-el) translated means "He who sees God".

Chamuel holds and represents the qualities of love, tolerance and gratitude. So I began to work on loving myself (learning to accept and love myself fully), practised being tolerant and mindfully focused on being grateful for everything in my life.

I understood that working on myself would then enable me to love others completely, unconditionally and without judgement. Archangel Chamuel helps us to find love, compassion, creativity and beauty in our surrounding environment as well as recognise these qualities in others. Chamuel also helps bringing real Love into your life.

I kept a rose quartz in my study where I work and one next to my bed.  It enhances the effect of working with this loving energy.

My intention this year is for real love which is strong and supportive.  Meaning loving without the need to control others, allowing them to be free, it is nurturing without smothering.  To love and be loved in return.

So you may ask, did it work?  I’m delighted to tell you that there is a person now in my life who I thank Archangel Chamuel for and I am so grateful.  He is a true angel and even has the name of one of my favourite Archangels.  That is all I can share for now but will keep you posted!

If you too are seeking true love, just ask Archangel Chamuel to help you and know that he will.
I wish you blessings in abundance.
With love and peace,

Heather x

1 comment:

  1. Heather,

    I am praying to to Chamuel for my soulmate. Have things been going well with the man He sent to you?
