This doesn’t mean that we are more demanding, but it does set new requirements for people to be able to participate in our lives. Many of us put up with behaviour that we don’t truly like and we make excuses for people. When we change our attitude to not accepting that behaviour any more, then the energy between us and others change!
A male client, who I will call Grant, recently expressed his wish to divorce his wife, so the energy between them has now changed as he no longer wishes to accept her withdrawal behaviour towards him. In response she does not like the feel of this new energy from him and is using emotions to “blackmail” him into feeling guilty about leaving her and the children and she is doing this because this action has worked before.
Grant is in fact having to deal with her fear about what she has been unable to become in order to have a relationship with him. It was a step she wasn’t able to take because she was unable to mirror his new energy of loving and accepting himself and wishing for love, joy, happiness and peace in his life. It is too much for her to process at this time. She is unable to align herself with his new energy without making significant changes and that is what she is reacting to.
She probably thinks that if she ignores the fact that he wishes to move on with his life with someone else, who he wishes to give love to and receive love in return, she won’t have to face it. But she will, with another teacher, in other words, another relationship which will teach her what she needs to learn.
Since Grant has set an intention for love, joy, happiness and peace, anyone who is unable to resonate at that level of energy will feel very uncomfortable around him. The truth is she feels threatened by his new energy and is frightened as she is unable to meet that standard so she will reject it, and her husband.
I have explained to Grant not to take it personally because it is not about him, it is about his wife and her energy. Grant needs to continue to maintain the new boundaries because they will bring him joy and know that with each person that he releases will invite another to take their place and soon his life will be full of people who resonate with, respect and honour his energy because it matches theirs and he can enjoy more harmonious relationships.