14th June 2012
The June 2012 energy we are experiencing is pushing a lot of old emotional energy to the surface, which is why you too may also be feeling sadness or anger that feels very old. All we can do is to let it pass. There is a lot of clearing going on right now and we have some heavy energy coming up with the Solstice and the June 24 astro event. There are also big solar flares happening now and they always disrupt our energy.
We're going through a life review now, deciding on the direction for our life and how we are going to manage what, for many of us, is an entirely new way of being. Our soul group commitments have been the focus of our energy for this and many other lifetimes, now we're letting those go and that process can be confusing as we don't know what to do next.
Personally, my obligations to my soul group in which I limited my life has now come to an end with my two sons in their own homes and my daughter moving out in 4 weeks.
The most important thing for me to do now is to stay focused on what I wish to create in my life. It’s been calling to me but until now, I have not been able to listen.
The needs of my family has been my excuse for not moving forward, not embracing my gifts and not reaching my full potential. Now on my own, I am able to focus on myself and my life, which is a new concept not only for this lifetime but for many previous ones as well. I have started creating some goals for myself and to focus on my dreams to empower my own life.
Perhaps this is something that is happening to you too? Love family members, but allow them the space to take on their own responsibilities in life and focus on what makes you feel happy.
with love
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