Monday, 17 January 2011


Adam, was fifty-two years old, married to his childhood sweetheart and lived with his  three adult children.  Entrepreneural, he knew to build his business and was tough, proud, short-fused and yet was aware of his low educational achievements, which lowered his self-esteem. 

But inside the pressure cooker of being a responsible, successful businessman, husband, father, son and brother, he had woken up to the idea that his life could have real meaning and that he had potential to fulfil.

He could not bear to stay the same.  It was intolerable.  His life force, his freedom of expression and his freedom to emerge were blocked.  In his earlier life, his life force had often erupted in destructive anger and abuse towards his wife, but he had come to recognise that his aggression was not creative.

Something within his consciousness had woken up.  His self-guidance system was activated.  His energy body was changing.  It was not under his control.  It was just happening to him.  Something brewed inside him over several years.  He began to think carefully about his options. 

Every now and again understandable anger would arise in him as he processed emotional scars and wounding. Living at home became intolerable so he left and moved into a flat.  He had never lived alone before and now had to be responsible for himself.

It was easy for his wife to jump to the conclusion that it was directed at her. But given that changes in the energy body were not under his control, it made no sense.  It was just what was happening to him, like going bald.  She began to understand that it was an involuntary energetic change. 

He saw a counsellor and became aware of how his childhood had shaped the adult he’d become, yet the depression continued.  He didn’t know how to change his “old wiring”

He yearned for contentment and happiness but didn’t know how to find them. He learnt that if he wanted to have a relationship he needed to make it about connection, through love and not through his needs. He realised that he could no longer look for someone to love him because he couldn’t or didn’t find himself lovable, to meet the needs he didn’t feel capable of meeting or to resolve his loneliness.

Every place in which he felt unworthy or undeserving of love is an area where he needed to remember that we’re divine, lovable, loved and deserving of the greatest expression of love in our physical world. But the material love is a mirror of our inner self love. He began to understand that he wanted to see love in his life he needed to become the love he wanted to have, by loving himself.

It is known that our brains respond to kindness and compassion, so Adam developed kindness and compassion for himself, which built his confidence, helped to build better relationships and promoted his health.  It subdued anger and increased courage and resilience to depression and anxiety. 

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