Love is an energy. Many of us have been experiencing the ending of relationships in 2011 allowing old or negative love patterns to die so new ones can take their place. We can do this when we remember that love, like a flower, is an energy and it follows a cycle of death and rebirth.
In autumn trees and flowers lose their leaves and die back so they can re-generate in the spring. It’s all part of natures natural cycle. Love follows the same kind of cycle. Old patterns of love and loving, such as the ones that are needy, demanding, or controlling, cannot co-exist with new, higher vibrations of unconditional love that expand love into acceptance, self control, worthiness and value. So in order to make room for this shift in love, we enter into a love cycle.
To begin the cycle, we recognise the old love pattern for what it truly is. Then we have to release what is not positive for us. As we let go of what’s not working, we create an energetic space for the new pattern, thereby releasing the old person or situation and a new one enters our energetic space, at the new and higher vibration. But what often happens is we try to make the old pattern fit the new paradigm and we try to hold on to the familiar relationship even though we know it doesn’t “feel” right as we’re trying to make the past fit into the present moment.
That energy can transform but only when there is something for it to transform into, and it is willing to do that. This is an either/or possibility, either the old love pattern will shift into a new vibration or a new love will present itself to us, in response to our intention for love. But we have to be willing to allow the shift to happen, be open to a new love energy that matches our intention and know that our intention always manifests, in one way or another. Fear that there's something deeply wrong with us is what keeps so many of us women from attracting and connecting to a good man who will love us - forever. You ARE capable - you're more than capable. You CAN have a relationship that meets and exceeds your wildest expectations.
So if you are wishing for new love to enter your life, set an intention for new love, allow the love cycle play itself out and know that when one love pattern ends, it is a brilliant opening for new unconditional love to manifest in your life. Isn't it beautiful that your heart is the biggest muscle in your body?
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Me in Glastonbury |