Monday, 30 April 2012


Stress is a common word used in our society, especially in the workplace! Forget "fight or flight" as the only duo of responses in the face of stress. For women, there's a third response: "befriend." A landmark UCLA study turned five decades of stress research on its head with the revelation that a cascade of brain chemicals gives women a larger behavioural repertoire when confronted with stress. The hormone oxytocin is released as part of the stress response in women. It controls the fight/flight response and, instead, encourages her to tend children and gather with other women.

Accordingly to co-researcher Dr. Laura Cousino Klein, now assistant professor of bio-behavioural health at Penn State, the study suggests that this "tending and befriending" response to oxytocin produces a calming effect. Although it will take new studies to reveal all the ways in which oxytocin encourages women to care for children and band together, it might also explain why women consistently outlive men.
The famed Nurses Health Study from Harvard Medical School found that the more friends people have, they less likely they are to develop physical ailments and the more likely they are to cope better with challenges.

Sadly, today's busy agendas often find women cancelling the most positive and healthy thing they can do: gathering with other women to engage in the kind of "rapport" and "report" talk that hallmark feminine conversations. The corporate women's networks that generate the most return for the time and money investment allow for the nuts-and-bolts training needed for the business while also creating plenty of opportunity for mentoring, problem-solving and the informal sharing of personal issues, which is why I am a member of Athena.  It has broadened my knowledge of how to expand my business and introduced me to many other amazing business women, one of whom is Awele who organises workshops which help women in the workplace. 
As well as helping women reach their full potential, in my role as a healer/therapist and teacher of meditation; on 10th May I have organised a Retreat to Cae Mabon, a magical place near Snowdon in Wales.  It is wonderful to create a gathering of women and stand back. The energy reborn from conversation, caring, compassion, and concern can change lives and move a community, a business, and a nation into a higher place.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012


I have just returned from an amazing weekend course with many other Spiritual Response Therapists from various countries.  It felt so good to be with like-,minded people, who were ready to face their fears and do it anyway! 

We focused on self-awareness as it is the first step toward self-management and eventual self-mastery.  We had to identify our values, skills and talents plus our unique qualities.  As we did that, we had a clearer idea of what we need to do to achieve our goals.

Using Spiritual Response Therapy charts and our dowsing crystals we identified blocks to spiritual guidance; to self and spiritual awareness and self-management.  We then identified blocks to learning; blocking beliefs, perceptions and judgments.

We identified our negative habits, negative motivations, fear or guilt.  Also unresolved issues with family, friends and co-workers.  We also identified physical blocks and strategies to turn our life around.

So it feels very exciting  to clear everything out of the way and focus on taking the relevant action steps towards my goal.

So if you have a goal and feel that there are blocks in any shape or form standing in your way, book a Spiritual Response Therapy session with me and clear everything which may be standing in your way.  We must let go of the old dreams, beliefs, thoughts and habits if we are to progress into the new health and personal growth.  I will then help you forward.  We can work on your self-esteem; health/fitness; communication skills; relationships; career/lifework and finances/wealth.

Educators are aware that what children hear and see, they learn; what they learn, they practice; what they practice, they become!  So it is with all of us.  Piano students practice a long time before being able to play a perfect Mozart concert.  How long have you been believing you were worthless?  You probably have that belief down to perfection with an automatic response to anything that is said or done to you.  Now is the time to begin to set in motion new responses - positive responses - that will begin to change the creative outcomes in your life. 
So as many Master Teachers say “Look where you’re going – not where you’ve been”  Remember we can’t drive down the road looking back over our shoulders!

Monday, 16 April 2012


Lately I have been dealing not only with relationship issues in marriage breakdowns or loss from death, but many people have been having problems with the children from their partner’s previous relationship.

Children, of all ages, may not have come to terms with loss by death or divorce and may well have unreasonable expectations of a 'recreated' family. Most experts agree that the answer is to redefine the meaning of 'family' by developing an identity as a group. Focus on shared interests and pursue new ones.

As parents, none of us wants to upset our children.  However, we do have to think about ourselves and do what is best for us.  Not many people choose to be alone and loving someone and being loved in return is what life is all about.

Children may be uncomfortable with a parent and new partner and losing a parent is very hard, as is parents who choose to divorce.  Watching a parent make a new life with someone else is also very difficult.

Many children feel that this undermines the memory of the deceased or divorced parent.  Death or divorce is like a grieving process and children may feel that things are happening too soon. 

The best way to deal with children is to be open and honest with them.  They need to hear how much they are loved and the last thing anyone wishes to do is to hurt them.  Everyone deserves a new life and happiness.

Unfortunately, step-families are at greater risk of breaking apart than any other family unit.  60% of partnerships involving children from previous unions will fail - a significantly higher percentage than marriages without stepchildren.

Like conventional biological parenting, there are no set rules and no guarantees for ensuring a contented parent-child relationship.

Instant attachments with step children are rare, and immediate emotional bonding is even rarer. There will be uncertainty and suspicion on both sides, so show respect for their boundaries and expect the same in return.

When difficulties arise, get the family together to talk openly about how they might be resolved. Children of all ages resent the notion that they have no voice and are not being listened to.

New families have no traditions, so work on building a history of shared memories and experiences. Don't ignore old traditions, but don't let them prevent the establishment of new ones.

Thursday, 12 April 2012


There may be moments when you may believe that the journey, which is your life, isn't perfect, but that doesn't mean you are not on the perfect journey for you.

Rather than “blaming” others for your circumstances, have you ever worked with yourself on your own beliefs and energy? 

This has been a bit of a theme recently with my meditation groups about working with your own beliefs and energy as we’ve been progressing through our “worry free” theme of our 6-week course.  The results have been truly amazing, as many receive “Ah ha” moments of self-enlightenment!  

We experience what we do in our lives and go through the changes we need to experience.  Whether it be to move towards something or to move away from something, or both.  Change is a constant in life, as is your own growth and evolution. 

How you handle it and how easily you go through it, is up to you.  Not many people relish the thought of change in their lives, so perceive it as difficult and very upsetting.   To shift that to “embracing” it allows one door to close and a better one to open…

Working with Spiritual Response Therapy, the core issue(s) can be identified  and cleared in your Soul Records (Akashic Records), which creates a shift in your life to the positive. 

I believe if change is healthy, progressive, organic, amongst other things, then it will stay.   All that I teach when working with clients  is about how experiences in life are for our soul’s  growth and learning.  It is beneficial to learn about self-sufficiency, self-empowerment, self-awareness, self-responsibility and so on.

Life will happen...and there will be changes...there may be ups and you navigate this journey and your course will determine how you feel and the degree of happiness and satisfaction you experience... 

There may be moments when the journey isn't perfect, but that doesn't mean you are not on the perfect journey for you...

To book for Spiritual Response Therapy during April, contact me for the special offer of £15 discount.
Embracing Life!

Monday, 2 April 2012


A client returned for Spiritual Response Therapy this week and the main issue that arose in their life was “injustice”.  It showed itself in their past lives and in the current life regarding their business, as karma.

The therapy is able to clear the “program” of “injustice” in the client’s Soul (Akashic) records, but on a conscious level it is important that the soul is aware of the healing and release that comes with the intention of forgiveness. Although, it’s hard for the ego to understand.

People ask why should they forgive those who hurt, who cause pain, who don’t acknowledge support, love and sacrifices? But this is an emotional perspective and forgiveness is not emotional, it is energetic. While the emotions have their own energy, the process of forgiveness is beyond emotions, feeling, intellect and logic. It is at the level of vibration, resonance and energetic connection and it is a message from the soul that you are now ready to disconnect from karma and move into more harmonious living.

The polarity of karma is harmony, taking you from fear-based energies to a higher vibration of love. Karma demands justice and if you are a victim in this lifetime, you are giving your former victim a chance to avenge wrongs you have done to them, to find justice and to choose forgiveness instead

Forgiveness releases etheric cords created by emotional energies that bind you to your soul group through your shared karma. Without this release, you repeat cycles of judgment and revenge in each lifetime, waiting for someone to choose forgiveness to release you and them.
Forgiving means making a conscious decision to let go of old hurts. Asking your higher consciousness (High Self) to clear your energies is only temporarily effective if you continue to dwell on past problems and build new energy
One thing that forgiveness does not do is erase memories. If it did erase memories, we would have to start learning the lessons over again. So once the energy is released through forgiveness, and the memory of a challenge comes up again, it is vital that the memory not be charged with more energy. It is only a memory, so let it go and move on. No one can live in the past and be fully free and productive now.