I have just returned from an amazing weekend course with many other Spiritual Response Therapists from various countries. It felt so good to be with like-,minded people, who were ready to face their fears and do it anyway!
We focused on self-awareness as it is the first step toward self-management and eventual self-mastery. We had to identify our values, skills and talents plus our unique qualities. As we did that, we had a clearer idea of what we need to do to achieve our goals.
Using Spiritual Response Therapy charts and our dowsing crystals we identified blocks to spiritual guidance; to self and spiritual awareness and self-management. We then identified blocks to learning; blocking beliefs, perceptions and judgments.
We identified our negative habits, negative motivations, fear or guilt. Also unresolved issues with family, friends and co-workers. We also identified physical blocks and strategies to turn our life around.
So it feels very exciting to clear everything out of the way and focus on taking the relevant action steps towards my goal.
So if you have a goal and feel that there are blocks in any shape or form standing in your way, book a Spiritual Response Therapy session with me and clear everything which may be standing in your way. We must let go of the old dreams, beliefs, thoughts and habits if we are to progress into the new health and personal growth. I will then help you forward. We can work on your self-esteem; health/fitness; communication skills; relationships; career/lifework and finances/wealth.
Educators are aware that what children hear and see, they learn; what they learn, they practice; what they practice, they become! So it is with all of us. Piano students practice a long time before being able to play a perfect Mozart concert. How long have you been believing you were worthless? You probably have that belief down to perfection with an automatic response to anything that is said or done to you. Now is the time to begin to set in motion new responses - positive responses - that will begin to change the creative outcomes in your life.
So as many Master Teachers say “Look where you’re going – not where you’ve been” Remember we can’t drive down the road looking back over our shoulders!
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