Monday, 2 July 2012

July 2012 - Sieze The Day!

We're really in the middle of summer now, even though it's pouring of rain!  Does it feel like time is moving fast?  It's a well documented act that our planet has a pulse, which is gradually speeding up.  So "carpe diem" Sieze the Day.  This is a great time to appreciate the Earth we live on, the air that we breathe and get in touch with the fire within our belly!

Take time to stop and appreciate what you see around you, whether it's a beautiful flower or a soaring bird, a cascading waterfall or a rock formation.  Every single time you feel love and gratitude, you are shifting your energy to a life that feels fulfilled and happy.

This is a good time to visit spectacular sites and on Friday I went to a fantastic concert at Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire to hear the amazing voice of Russell Watson and then on Saturday I went to Avebury, famous for its crop circles and also the largest stone circle in Europe.

After a talk by Francine who is an expert regarding Crop Circles, we were taken into a crop circle and sat down to sense the vibes.  It was good to consider the wonder of how the pattern had formed in the field, much to the farmer's surprise!  Some people may presume it's man made, but many believe the mystery that it manifests from somewhere else!  Whatever the truth is, it was an interesting day out.

So sieze the day, whether it's sunny or raining.  Happiness is not something that falls on us from the sky, but something we can create.  You can match the energy of the clothes you wear with the mood you are in today.  So if it's raining, don't grab the black outfit, put on sunshine yellow!

Write a list of places you'd like to visit and start booking them into your diary.

Am off to Hampton Court Flower show this week....

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