Monday, 14 January 2013


Too-one; one-too; one-too
What does that mean for all of us on this day that some believe will be the "end of the world". Or is the end of what we've known, to move upwards and onwards to a more positive level,where we can fulfil our potential?

We are all part of ONE energy. Today we realise that we are not SEPARATE beings. We all come from ONE energy.

2012 has been a grand opportunity to release "stuff" that is not positive. In other words we have been weeding our garden (releasing feelings and out-dated beliefs) and preparing the soil in our garden new growth.

This is so we can re-invent ourself and live to our highest potential. The ego has fought to defend its protective mechanisms from which we once found much security but that have now have become our prison and our unwanted limits.

  We have been challenged to the core as we were presented with the opportunities to make different decisions from that of our past.

We have become aware of aspects of ourselves which have held our inner greatness prisoner, and we have bravely faced them and let them go, which may have resulted in relationship break-ups; change of career; re-location etc.

Many of us had to face some painful and terrifying truths that we have held within, such as not loving ourself and "putting up" with criticism; humiliation and anger.  It was time to stop "blaming" others and take full responsibility for ourselves and our situations.

Once face to face with our real feelings about ourself we knew there was a long way to go to learn to love ourself and subsequently recognise why it was that we still judged others, no matter how hard we tried to stop moaning and picking fault about those around us.
 It clicked as we grew to believe in ourself and our belief and trust in others was twofold. It was not necessary to ask confirmation or praise from others because we knew, in all our real efforts to start taking responsibility for our life in the areas we had overlooked, that we're a good person and are doing our best.
Freedom, peace and love are not easy for alot of us to accept and we still remain in fear and suffering until we recognise that does not have to be our reality.

Letting go of our anxieties was the key to opening our heart so that we can heal past hurst.  The present moment belongs to you, make it unique, special, powerful and wonderful.  Attachments have been taken from our tightly held fists and the past is truly being re-written as a new you has been emerging. The blame and anger we had had to delve deeply into throughout the year is ending and instead it is being replaced with unconditional love.

So today 21.12.12 - make a conscious intention to open your heart to unconditional love.

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