Friday, 12 July 2013


The schools are closing, the sky is blue, nature is blossoming, the sun is glowing and the sunbed beckons with an icy cocktail........ 

Then before we blink it's September and we begin Autumn!  This year is moving swiftly.  For some it may be starting a new chapter in their lives.  Maybe leaving home and moving to University or living abroad and working.  It could be that you wish to learn new skills, or maybe wishing to move forward in life. Or perhaps you've left school and no longer wish for further education but haven't a clue what career path to choose. 

Take this summer "holiday" to think about where you are right now in your life, what you have achieved, what you still wish to achieve in the here and now or maybe in the future.  Jot down your passions and your strong points.  Are you a good organiser?  Are you artistic?  Look at all options and by knowing what you don't want, you'll be one step nearer to what you do want.

The uncertainty of how to achieve change can be  rather daunting. You may be feeling  scared, nervous and anxious or believe that your dreams are unachievable. Many people may have a core belief that our goals may "seem too much", so self-doubt and low self-esteem rear their head and we stay inside our comfort zone!  Most people may give up as their goal may feel unachievable and live their life with regret.  Is that what you want?

I work by helping you link in with your intuition, after using a therapy which clears "programs" on your hard drive that are hindering your way forward positively.  By following our intuition, our inner instinct, felt in our gut and trusting what we are feeling, it can be beneficial and rewarding. The change, when we’re ready, can be the start of a new journey.  An exciting path!   By working at a pace that is safe and manageable, and with my help, the goal can be achieved. Learning new experiences moves us out of our comfort zone and makes us grow and become who we wish to be.
Think of the tulip bulbs now hidden under the soil.  Next Spring it will rise up through the ground and produce a beautiful flower.  The same is with you.  It takes time, patience and persistence, but one step at a time takes you nearer to achieving your full potential.
I look forward to hearing from you. 


Tuesday, 30 April 2013

I've moved!

You'll be able to keep up with my blog on my website:

I hope to see you there!

Heather x

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Therapy and clearing Akashic Records

The other day, a past client asked exactly how the Akashic records can be “cleared” as their core belief was that they couldn’t, so they were still running a program of “doubt”. 
Spiritual Response Therapy is a system which uses charts and a dowsing crystal to research what “block”, “energies” and “programs” are “holding you from reaching your full potential in your life”.  So what are the Akashic Records?  In this age of technology, I think of them like a hard drive recording every thought, emotion and event that ever occurred during the existence of your soul. As your soul moves through different lives (incarnations) not just here on the earth but on many planes, all your experiences are recorded in the Akashic Records of your soul. The Akashic Records are held as energy in the spiritual planes of your energy body and directly affect your energy on a daily basis through your chakras (energy-centres).
When a thought, emotion or event did not get completely cleared and released, then it is like a scratch on that "hard drive" which recreates the event over and over again seeking clearance and release. We refer to the "scratches" as Discordant Imprints, and they create sabotaging programs or patterns within the subconscious. Since energy attracts the same energy, this is why we usually attract, like a magnet, the same type of people or situations over and over again.  This then gives you the opportunity to embrace the same experience with Love. This “rerun” of past challenges that is common to all present upon this earth is usually referred to as one’s Karma and serves the purpose of meeting all in Love to experience oneness with all through your heart.
Working with your higher consciousness (High Self)  we research the storyboard that initiated the Discordant Imprint in the first place. Then, we clear and release those frequencies to prevent the program or patterns from further interfering in your life.

The role of an Akashic healing with Spiritual Response Therapy is to provide an overview of the current karmic scenario for a soul to understand why they are meeting specific challenges in life (where they originated from) and to facilitate the process of resolving such memories step by step. Once a soul has completely resolved a memory back to Love, the process of clearing the related old energy from the chakra or chakras commences and after some time (usually some weeks) the path is cleared for this soul to experience life free from the previous challenges that arise from the karmic memory.

Major life changes are not uncommon as the “upgraded” chakra-system directly affects one’s perception of reality and ability to receive energies (such as Divine Grace) from the universe and energy from other souls.

After a therapy session some souls are asked to meet past unresolved experiences again in their physical day-to-day life so they can truly act from an open heart and see with their own eyes what happens when one chooses Love in the face of challenging experiences. This way a soul will feel deeply in their heart the power of Love, and the trust to follow one’s heart will expand.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013


A lady came to see me, let's call her Gayna.  She had been overweight since the age of 8 and had been yo-yo dieting over the past 30 years.  On the one side she felt that life was to be lived to the full and enjoyed eating out and socialising.  On the other side, she avoided looking at herself naked in the mirror, couldn't run around with her kids and felt totally out of control of ever achieving her goal of losing 7 stone.
There can be a number of physiological factors causing someone to be overweight.  The psychological implications are normally related to a situation or person that humiliated you when you were young and you felt ashamed.  Personally, I remember feeling totally humiliated when I went away with a youth group to a camp and a boy laughed at me and called me Hattie Jacques.  A well-know rather obese lady!   It makes a person live in a state of perpetual fear of feeling ashamed, making someone else feel ashamed or being ashamed by someone else.
Gayna had built a psychological wall around her - a barrier of fat to shield her from the demands and expectations of others.  She had diffculty saying no and had a tendency to take on too much because she would be ashamed to say no.
She felt sandwiched between two people; doing everything she could to satisfy both.  She wanted to make others happy to prove that she was not ashamed of them. While doing this, she was completely out of touch with her own needs.
I feel that those with weight issues are often deeply sensitive.  Gayna having been humiliated as a child had caused her to build a protectivebarrier to prevent her from being taken advantage of.  She thought she could achieve her goals by being a"nice" person and by taking on other people's burdens.  Having now had Spiritual Response Therapy "clearing" in her soul records, it's important now that she realises how to receive instead of always giving. 

To help people like Gayna, I'm, starting a SUPPORT GROUP on Thursday 28th March for 6 weeks, to work with people who have tried every diet and still "self sabotage".  We will meet every Thursday with a weigh in and a relaxation visualisation, plus Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping).  "I will hold your hand" in respect of sharing life tools to enable you to be in control and DELETE self sabotage.  You can then move positively towards your goal.  It is your birthright to be happy and to take your place in the lives of those close to you.  It's time to believe in your own self-worth. 
If you wish to lose at least 1 stone in 6 weeks and gain balance in your life, please contact me for full details. 
with love

Thursday, 7 March 2013

What do you wish to release?

I apologise in the delay in writing my blog!  It’s 2 weeks today that I moved home and it’s taken time to connect to the new WiFi and set up a temporary desk in my new “Energy Studio”.  So exciting!  Will keep you posted of up-coming events...

I understand that yesterday Wed 6 March was “Release Day”.  So it got me thinking about things I wish to release. 
The past; sadness; hurt; rejection and abandonment would be a good start. 
So what would I wish to add to my life?  Right now it would have to be ORDER as my new home is in utter chaos and I’ve been sleeping on the couch for a week! But as the saying goes, there is always calm after the storm! 

What is it that you wish to release?  Financial Debt?  Worrying?  A stale situation?  An unfulfilling relationship?  What do you wish to add to your life?

If I can “hold your hand” to help you reach your full potential, please contact me.

I love astrology and we experienced  a large solar flare on Tuesday March 5.  Did you feel tired, angry, irritated and emotionally drained? I certainly did and wondered why there was such a backlash about an article in my newsletter that really pushed some buttons.  It was about the Octaves of Learning, which all Spiritual Response Therapists learn about, so it’s not exclusive information, but it was in a colleague’s newsletter and it inspired me to use it.   It made me wonder whether I was in the “wrong” for not requesting permission to use it and I felt like a “naughty” child!  I want to empower people and offer information, not push anyones buttons. But if buttons can be pushed, it's because they exist.

But we live and learn.... 

I went to a great meeting in Chelmsford on Tuesday evening with Gary Plunkett who is a Teacher of Aoloha Huna, which was very interesting.  The thing I learnt and took away with me was to “forgive a person for not being who you wished them to be”.  Also, he showed us a great breathing exercise that 2 older ladies had used and now they’re free of arthritis pain!  I will be using this with my meditation classes!  

Freezing weather is coming, so wrap up warm....


Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Controlling Personality

Tell me if it sounds familiar...
You're chilling out talking with some friends, when all of a sudden the conversation turns to a common topic - love and relationships, especially as this Thursday is Valentines Day.
And each woman at the table starts talking about the situation she's in and all the details.....
One woman shares that she feels suffocated, bossed around, confused or distressed, or just plain fed up with being told what to do a lot of the time (and feeling very guilty that she keeps giving in)...
You realise that she’s with a controlling person!
So how do you recognise a person who is “controlling”?  Just because someone has a forceful personality doesn't make them a controlling personality. The test is: "Do they allow you to be yourself, or do they unduly influence your behaviour". You should know this instinctively.
Distinguish people with "strong boundary issues" from controlling people by testing their reactions to other topics. If someone always blows up if they're touched without warning, but doesn't react in a controlling way, if you wear your hair different or lose weight or gain weight, etc., that is a boundary issue. Other people's personal choices such as changing religion, coming out gay or transgender, dieting, grooming or exercise are boundary issues. Even if you think you're right and they're wrong, someone who's sensitive on any of these subjects is holding a boundary when it's about what they do with their life and how they are treated. It's when they start telling you who you are, what to wear, think, feel and do that they're being controlling.
Look for moodiness. Moodiness is a key signal of a controlling person, precisely because those with moody personalities tend to be mulling over perceived hurts and injustices that have happened to them personally and seek to remedy their internal pain and improve their situation by controlling others. What better than having someone else run at your beck and call and having another person accepting blame or being afraid when you don't want to delve deeper into fixing your own source of pain?3
Suspect any person who has a temper and uses it often. Frequent temper outbursts, especially those accompanied by bullying (the coward trying to control others) or threats (easier to shout out dire warnings of potential harm to you than to investigate their own internal source of harm) are a sign of a controlling personality type. Temper outbursts often happen when you disagree with them (however lightheartedly or kindly) or don't do exactly what they want you to do (which can be difficult to glean sometimes, as many controlling people expect you to be able to "read their mind"). In their minds, you are challenging their authority over you when you either disagree with them or don't comply with their wishes.
Coupled with moodiness, the moody temper-throwing person can be a real handful because you never know where you stand with this misfortunate person. Unfortunately, their inability to handle and work through their anger or resentment can be taken out on you as physical, verbal, emotional or sexual abuse. Never put up with a person harming you; it is not your fault that they hurt inside.
Listen for compliments. It is often the case that people with control issues are not very good at giving sincere compliments. They do not want you to feel good about yourself because it may take away control and draw attention away from them. Compliments, when given, are backhanded, snarky and actually point out some flaw or defect in the other person.
Be wary of any person who seems incapable of understanding or accepting the word "no." Controlling or not, this person is a problem but coupled with controlling tendencies, and you're bound to be walked all over. This person will tend to insist until they wear you down and make you give in, changing your firm no to a weak yes, and leaving you feeling guilt-ridden and ashamed of yourself. Remember that it is your right to make decisions, including ones that are in the
Look at what happens around your other relationships. When the controlling person is around your friends and supporters, watch out. The controlling person will often try to cause trouble between you and your friends, spreading rumors, attempting to create divisions (divide and conquer) and will even tell lies (exaggerations to be kinder) about you to them or about them to you, to try to break your attachment to them. The ultimate aim is to isolate you from others so that they can have you all to themselves, inside the reality they're trying to weave for you.
If you recognise any of the above and wish to clear this pattern from your life, contact me for Spiritual Response Therapy.

Monday, 4 February 2013


My life’s path has been around a few hair raising bends lately and it’s been a case of “hold on tight” as part of me screamed “I want to get off!”

The last two weekends have included long walks.  The first one was with my Yorkshire Terrier, Vito.  It was in aid of a charity and was 5km. Easy I thought.  I walk him every day, so it should be a doddle!

It started well on solid ground and then went “off path” to fields which had been drenched with melted snow and torrential rain.  Needless to say my waterproof snow boots sunk deep into the sqelchy earth and the mud stuck like huge clumps onto the soles of my boots!  (and I discovered they are not waterproof!)Following the route, I pulled my feet from the mud only to squelch deeper with the next step, but onward I continued, determined to complete the route, after all I’d started so I had to finish! 

Halfway through the route, there was a huge puddle or the choice of jumping over a small stream.  I chose what I believed to be the safer option and followed other people into the puddle, but alarmingly as I stepped to the left, my legs went knee deep into the freezing water.  My leggings and coat were drenched and as I scrambled out, I felt complete embarrassment!  There was no choice but to continue walking the route, wet, freezing cold and needing the toilet!  My dog continued to pull me forward and 30 minutes later, we’d done it!  Nothing a hot shower and the washing machine couldn’t fix.

Yesterday, another walk in the forest, through squelchy, slippery mud and puddles, made me more mindful of not risking deep puddles and luckily I remained upright, completing the long walk of one and half hours.

It proved that a boundless potential exists inside everyone of us. That infinite joy and immense freedom you see in little's really inside each one of us as we set ourselves goals and complete them.  It gives a real sense of achievement.

So the country walks reflected back to me, life’s path which at times is slippery and sticky, but if we continue to walk one foot in front of the other we finally reach our destination and when we look back, we realise how far we’ve come.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013


A musician shares his passion and talent by playing in the subway
“A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that 1,100 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.

“Three minutes went by, and a middle-aged man noticed there was musician playing. He slowed his pace, and stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried up to meet his schedule.

“A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till without stopping and continued to walk.

“A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.

“The one who paid the most attention was a three-year-old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried, but the kid stopped to look at the violinist.

Finally, the mother pushed hard, and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.

“In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money, but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.

“No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the most talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, on a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.

“Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theatre in Boston where the seats averaged $100.

“This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste, and priorities of people.

“The outlines were: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour: Do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?

“One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?”
Do you wish to learn how to slow down; become mindful and appreciate the beauty all around you?  Learning Meditation is the key. 
Mindfulness Meditation
The key principle behind mindfulness meditation is awareness.
You really don’t need to know much to get started with meditating. This ancient mental exercise is used by thousands of people around the world not just to ease fear and anxiety but also to deal with other kinds of negative emotions.  So how do you begin meditating?
Join a class or listen to a meditation ~CD or download.
My CD "Centre Yourself" (available on my website) has helped many people and is now being made available by download in the next few weeks, so I will keep you informed of the details.  To help people experiencing Divorce, I am soon to record a meditation that will offer support during this transitional period. 
Any questions, please contact me. 


Monday, 21 January 2013


So many people I find of the “older generation” choose not to drink water and it’s a shame as they’re mostly suffering from aches and pains or constipation that could disappear just by simply drinking more water!   Why don’t they like this magical liquid that has no taste and is calorie free?  To some, drinking water is like poison! They just prefer the safe comfort of a “cup of tea” or the younger generation choose “diet pops or coke” which has no nutritious benefit; but this is not enough for the body.  If you don’t drink water, your body will not be able to remove toxins and basically, toxins will build up inside the body and cause all sorts of problems.

Think of a blocked drain. It’s smelly and blocked with all sorts of things like oil and hair. It might get so blocked that you need to employ the services of a plumber to clear the blockage. Not a cheap job. Just think however, if you had kept the drain clear with a general maintenance plan. This is no different when clearing your own pipe work and water is the way to do it.

Here are some very important reasons that clearly show why we need to drink water throughout the day, every day.

1. Humans are approximately 70-75% water.
2. Helps maintain body temperature and flushes out toxins.
3. Your body’s water supply is involved in just about every bodily process you can think of: absorption, digestion and elimination.
4. Water aids in the transportation of nutrients around your body.
5. A drop in water volume in the body results in a drop in blood volume, thus causing a rise in blood sodium, otherwise known as high blood pressure
6. Drinking when you are only thirsty and/ or to quench your thirst, is not sufficient enough and will not re-hydrate you.
7. The more fat you have, the less water you have stored in your body.

Water quality is also important. Sometimes plastic bottled water cannot be avoided when we are out and about, but it’s best if you can take your own filtered water with you or buy water in glass bottles.  Plastic bottles leach chemicals that mimic hormones and can cause havoc within your body particularly if the water has been stored for a long time.

It would be great if we could all install a house filter so we shower and bathe using filtered water as well as drink it. Your skin would glow, your hair would take on a soft glossy look and that’s just the start of so many benefits!

There are so many plus points to hydrating your body but I could go on and on – but the most important step is that you have to take “action”.  Most of us have heard the saying “You can take a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”.  If that’s you, really have a think about what’s most important.


If you feel “blocked” to “health” and are concerned about anything and would like to have a Spiritual Response Therapy clearing, please contact me. 


If you gave me several million years, there would be nothing that did not grow in beauty if it were surrounded by water.       Jan Erik Vold



Monday, 14 January 2013

What have you been denying yourself?

What have you not been doing or denying yourself that you now have time for? Are there any things you have not done in the past that you would now like to do? All of the attention you placed on others can now go to you. It would be helpful to make a list of what you used to do for your family and then see which of those things have been neglected in your own life. You might be surprised by how many there are. You may also re-discover some of your gifts and interests that you abandoned because you didn’t have time or because other people didn’t think they were important.
Do not be angry with your family, or hurt by their behavior. They have done their job in your life well, it was intended for them to teach you how to put yourself first, to be self-ish, which means taking care of yourself. Their job is finished now, so you can start focusing on you. What do you value about yourself and don’t answer that question by remembering all of the things your family didn’t value about you. Their value systems clash with yours, which is why they didn’t support or appreciate what you did for them. This next part of your life is about you and your family may eventually value you and your gifts, or not. Until then, set your intention for joy, love, peace, abundance and start appreciating yourself, even if you think you are doing it alone. Then you will begin to attract others who appreciate you and you will create a new soul family that can value you because they value themselves in the same way.


Too-one; one-too; one-too
What does that mean for all of us on this day that some believe will be the "end of the world". Or is the end of what we've known, to move upwards and onwards to a more positive level,where we can fulfil our potential?

We are all part of ONE energy. Today we realise that we are not SEPARATE beings. We all come from ONE energy.

2012 has been a grand opportunity to release "stuff" that is not positive. In other words we have been weeding our garden (releasing feelings and out-dated beliefs) and preparing the soil in our garden new growth.

This is so we can re-invent ourself and live to our highest potential. The ego has fought to defend its protective mechanisms from which we once found much security but that have now have become our prison and our unwanted limits.

  We have been challenged to the core as we were presented with the opportunities to make different decisions from that of our past.

We have become aware of aspects of ourselves which have held our inner greatness prisoner, and we have bravely faced them and let them go, which may have resulted in relationship break-ups; change of career; re-location etc.

Many of us had to face some painful and terrifying truths that we have held within, such as not loving ourself and "putting up" with criticism; humiliation and anger.  It was time to stop "blaming" others and take full responsibility for ourselves and our situations.

Once face to face with our real feelings about ourself we knew there was a long way to go to learn to love ourself and subsequently recognise why it was that we still judged others, no matter how hard we tried to stop moaning and picking fault about those around us.
 It clicked as we grew to believe in ourself and our belief and trust in others was twofold. It was not necessary to ask confirmation or praise from others because we knew, in all our real efforts to start taking responsibility for our life in the areas we had overlooked, that we're a good person and are doing our best.
Freedom, peace and love are not easy for alot of us to accept and we still remain in fear and suffering until we recognise that does not have to be our reality.

Letting go of our anxieties was the key to opening our heart so that we can heal past hurst.  The present moment belongs to you, make it unique, special, powerful and wonderful.  Attachments have been taken from our tightly held fists and the past is truly being re-written as a new you has been emerging. The blame and anger we had had to delve deeply into throughout the year is ending and instead it is being replaced with unconditional love.

So today 21.12.12 - make a conscious intention to open your heart to unconditional love.


Happy 2013 everyone.  As the faint waft of mulled wine is a distant memory and the Christmas cards have been recycled, we now bring our focus to the new year ahead of us and with many people this can bring feelings of anxiety and panic.

Millions of people every  year are affected by panic attacks, which are a form of anxiety disorder.  They usually come on suddenly and without any rational cause as to why they’re happening in the first place.

Symptoms of panic attacks can include

·         Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate.

·         Sweating.

·         Trembling or shaking.

·         Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering.

·         Feeling of choking.

·         Chest pain or discomfort.

·         Nausea or abdominal distress.

·         Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint.

·         Feelings of unreality or being detached from oneself.

·         Fear of losing control or going crazy.

·         Fear of dying.

·         Numbness or tingling sensations.

·         Chills or hot flashes.

The symptoms can be very traumatic for the one experiencing them, and some people mistake panic attacks for heart attacks or strokes because of the similar symptoms that are experienced with both attacks. They strike without warning and can occur with anyone, at any stage of life.

Some common causes of panic attacks can include a family history of anxiety-related disorders, nervousness, stress, a sudden traumatic event in your life, like a divorce or death of a loved-one, and childhood traumas like physical or mental abuse. You can have some of these causes, or none, and still have a panic attack anyway.

Physicians and scientists are now acknowledging that there is a strong mind-body-spirit connection that cannot be ignored. With panic attacks, they start in the mind first, with. Many panic attacks can be caused from years of emotional stress and toll on the body, especially if the person experiencing the panic attacks has a tendency to keep the emotional stress inside, without letting their emotions out and actually feeling them.

Panic attacks thrive on fear.  A panic attack feels scary, but it’s nothing to be afraid of.  If you allow yourself to entertain panicky thoughts, the panic attacks will become stronger and more frequent. 

So if one happens….

·         Allow yourself to feel the bodily sensations.

·         Don't be afraid of them.

Distract yourself: Find some way of focusing your mind on something else. This is a part of not being afraid and focus on your breathing.  Count slowly to 4 breathing in through your nose and then slowly count to 4 out as you let the air out of your mouth. Do this 3 times.  Rub your belly and visualize in your mind the colour yellow.  If this a challenge, imagine a field of gorgeous yellow daffodils.

The cause of panic attacks can be that the solar plexus chakra being out of balance or closed.

If you are open to believing in Angels then call for the archangels.......Uriel and Michael to help you heal it and visualize the colour yellow

If you like to carry gemstones or burn oils to use to balance.....amber, aquamarine, carnelion, perdot, golden topaz, tigers eye, smokey quartz, citrine

Or if you prefer essential oils....jojoba carrior oil, sandalwood, chamomille, bergamot, plus the scent of rosemary helps

Good food to eat are ......starches, yellow fruits and vegetables

Or buy Bach flower remedy.....gorse,larch, hornbram, gentian, clematis, honeysuckle.

If you wish to clear the “programs” of anxiety causing the root of the problem, then contact me for Spiritual Response Therapy and if necessary Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping).
love and light