Thursday, 29 December 2011

Goodbye 2011

As we nearly wave goodbye or indeed good riddance to 2011, it’s a great opportunity to reflect back and take stock of all that you’ve accomplished this year.

Personally I could focus on the negative; end of a marriage; filing for divorce; coping alone…… but I’m a firm believer in focusing on the positive.

At the beginning of the year I was filled with hope that my relationship could reach a more fulfilling level and with that in mind, we went to Francine Kaye, author of the Divorce Doctor (which is weird, as really she helps couples to find resolutions to conflict!).  She is a wonderful woman and a great inspiration to take the right actions to achieve peace of mind and happiness.  Of course she couldn’t make any promises that our marriage would work and explained that it was up the individuals involved.

With that in mind, I read “Getting the love you want” by Harville Hendrix.  In that book he says that “many come to view divorce as an opportunity for personal growth.  It’s not within marriage that people grow and change, according to this increasingly popular view, it’s when the marriage falls part.  People believe that this opens their eyes to their self-defeating behaviours and gives them an opportunity to resolve those problems with a new partner.  But unless they understand the unconscious desires that motivated their dysfunctional behaviour in the first marriage, and learn how to satisfy those desires with the new partner, the second marriage is destined to run aground on the same submerged rocks.  The feeling of growth and change between marriages is an illusion; it is merely the pain that cones from exchanging one set of habituated behaviours for another”   I totally agree with this.  Sadly my husband’s deep rooted belief didn’t.

I also read “Perfect Love Imperfect Relationships” by John Welwood.  He says “ the problem is that we are looking for love in the wrong places – outside ourselves, in our imperfect relationships with imperfect people who are wounded like we are.  This inevitably leaves us frustrated and disappointed.  Even though perfect love can shine through relationships in moment, we cannot count on other people as a consistent source of it”.  In other words we need to focus on loving ourselves first.

I have then read many other interesting relationship facts, figures and advice.  I wish I knew then what I know now!

By June I could plainly see that my husband was not in the right frame of mind to work at our relationship and on our 29th wedding anniversary, I accepted that it was over.  Nearly 35 years of my life with one man.  What a very challenging time for me. 

On the positive side I took a group on a retreat to the Outer Hebrides in Scotland, where the rural landscape and back to nature experience, gave us time just to be.  Taking the small plane from Glasgow to Stornoway certainly pushed people outside their comfort zones and gave them a great sense of achievement.

In August I volunteered at Gaunts House Summer Gathering, where there were a great variety of workshops and met very interesting people.

In September, I travelled to Spain to take part in a “Flip to the Fun Side” workshop with Alison Goldie.  It opened my eyes to people with disabilities who grabbed life and lived it to the full.  Also, to the freedom that nudity gave people without it being about sexuality.  I’ll never forget our afternoon lesson in the pool with our teacher naked!

Nearly everyone I know has stepped forward with love and support during this year and for that I am eternally grateful.  It’s not until you live alone that you realise how deafening silence can be. 

The best day of 2011 has to be in October when my youngest son and his gorgeous partner had my first grandchild, truly a blessing.

Second best day has to be watching Jamie Cullum at Pizza Express in Soho with my great friend June and my eldest son, who amazingly just happened to be celebrating a friend’s birthday upstairs and was able to nip downstairs and join us!  A moment I will always cherish.

The Happy Couple
He then proposed in Venice, later this year and has chosen the most wonderful fiancée! We’ve had two wonderful parties and the wedding is arranged for next November!

Third best day has to be how proud I felt when visiting the filming of “Made In Chelsea” at the Chelsea Barracks and meeting all my daughter’s work colleagues and the cast.  I am very proud of her and the high esteem her colleagues have for her. By the way Jamie, you’ll still our favourite!

So out of my marriage, my greatest creative achievement in life has been our three children who bring such love, joy and happiness. 

And I always will remember the quote my schoolfriend said when her husband died nearly 17 years ago.  “It is better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all”.

Bring on 2012! 
My darling kids and grandaughter

Heather Prince

Gorgeous daughter and boyfriend

Monday, 28 November 2011

It's nearly Christmas!

Every family builds their own traditions around Christmas, and ours is no exception.  The kids stockings with their names on, are hung on the mantle and their sacks are filled with presents.  This year two have left the nest, leaving only our daughter.  As our kids have grown and have partners of their own, we have to share them.  So many people I know with adult children are having to adapt to change and empty nest syndrome, which leaves a huge void in their lives.  I totally feel it too. The loneliness and silence is overwhelming at times. 

This year, our daughter will spend Christmas lunch with her boyfriend’s family and our younger son will be with his partner and her family.  So for the first time in 29 years, I won’t be cooking Christmas dinner, which feels very strange. The turkey, chipolatas, and brussels are like magnets pulling me over to them in the supermarket, but I have to remind myself that I don’t need to buy them!

So, I am embracing the invitation to be with my elder son and his fiancée. And it will be my first Christmas in 34 years without my man, as he is possibly escaping abroad, but I will raise my champagne glass to absent friends and hope he finds the happiness he seeks.

I don’t want people to feel sorry for me.  I don’t want to feel sorry for me.  I feel privileged to have married the love of my life and we have 3 amazing children and a gorgeous granddaughter.  They’re my inspiration.  I am also so grateful to have both my parents too.  Mum will be 85 years old, four days before Christmas and Dad was 89 in August.  Mum loves buying toys and is in her element this year with our new baby in the family.  So I’ll be saying thank you for another Christmas to share with them and will delight in their faces when our baby granddaughter spends Boxing Day with us all.

And next year I will face my divorce and home move and hope that life becomes easier for me and everyone else who is in a similar situation.

Monday, 14 November 2011


It was a wonderful experience at The Daisy Centre in Glastonbury on
11-11-11.  The ceremony led by Charu, with her wonderful smile, marked this special time as we linked in with Daisy Foss in Egypt and many others around the world who shared in the hope, blessings and meaning of this day.

I have always found the days after a big shift to be feeling “now what?” We feel the energy downloads, often experiencing intense physical side effects and then have the let down because despite all the anticipation and activity, the world appears to remain the same. But it is our desire for something different that is the true indicator that change is happening. And like in our own lives, it happens from the inside out. 

The best ways to use the energy after 11-11-11 is to keep our intentions active every day. Instead of measuring our results by when they happen, we must get into the habit of seeing them as happening right away; their physical manifestation is just the final aspect. For example “I AM losing weight” is a great affirmation for those of you with the intention of losing weight.
Our spiritual practice must become more disciplined if we are to step into our mastery and act as true co-creators. This doesn't mean we have to meditate every day but it does mean that we have to begin to remember ourselves as spiritual beings and stay connected to that energy and our co-creative power.
You are all stars, just as you are.  So just imagine wherever you are, whenever you are walking into a room, into a meeting, into a difficult situation, into the tube, into a date, into your messy kitchen with lots of plates to wash up, that you are walking on your very own positive path and you are the beautiful, perfect, amazing, sensual, alive, loved, star of life.
It does not matter what others see or think. It does not matter what your job is, or what you have achieved up till now. It does not matter if you are confused or have no clue or going through difficult times. It does not matter if your partner, parents, colleagues, family, didn’t see that you are that star when you most needed it. What matters is that you can see you are that.
You are enough as you are, more than that, you are a beautiful star.
And when you see that, you can really start being open to whatever is happening in life, even when things are a bit sh*tty.

Because if we remember that we are okay, then there is no self-judgment, just a shi*tty situation which can change at any time.

But If we conclude that things are difficult because something is wrong with us, we close down and everything gets stuck.
Remember you attract according to how you value yourself.  I am a shining star, how about you?

Friday, 28 October 2011


I have been meeting many single people recently.  Every one of us dreams of one day experiencing that “storybook” romance with that special person we are meant to share our lives with, our soul mate, our twin flame…

We think about how wonderful it will feel to finally be with that person… look into their eyes… and KNOW that we’ve found the love and connection we’ve been searching for. 

I believed that I had found that someone because when he first met me, he just knew that I was “the one”.

It was a true once in awhile moment, where a man meets a woman and KNOWS very quickly – without a smidgeon of doubt – that he wants to be with her and only her.  He knows he wants to be with her because it feels right on a deep emotional level.

There is no “peak point” or “pinnacle” in love…I’ve realized that love is an exciting journey we share with someone special… and that the journey of love is the summit of LIFE.

This journey starts when you meet that special someone you are meant to share your life with… but it doesn’t always have to have an end.
The key to keeping it alive is getting through the inevitable obstacles all couples face as they become closer and more connected with one another… and turning them into learning experiences which bring you closer together instead of pushing you apart.

This is my eldest and his lovely fiancee
who captured his heart.

A great relationship expert says that a woman that TRULY captures a man’s heart will:
Make a man FEEL, through experience, that he’s BETTER OFF being with her than being single, spending most of his time with his friends, or “sleeping around.”

Show a man, on a physical AND emotional level, that he’s better off being with her than any other woman he could possibly meet.
For men, the desire for love and intimate connection is often buried under other layers of “wiring” – such as the desire to do things like PROVIDE (financial success)
Many men make bad choices and mistakes in their relationships. But after going through a lot of pain and frustration, and making the same mistakes men often make with great women in their lives over and over, a man needs to make a commitment to himself to become more conscious about why he feels and acts the way he does. To end personal patterns and cycles of destructive behaviour in relationships with women that keep leading a man back to the place where he is ALONE.
Spiritual Response Therapy can give an insight into negative programs running and energies from past lives which is creating the destructive behaviour.  It clears them in the Soul Records and helps you move forward on a more conscious positive path.
It can be done for anyone, anywhere via the internet.  Just email me if you wish to book.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Aloneness is total and complete. Not loneliness but ‘aloneness’. Loneliness is always concerned with others; aloneness is concerned with oneself.

Do you ever feel alone? A sense of alienation (or aloneness) is actually an epidemic in our culture.
But what if that aloneness was actually serving a purpose? What if it was there to open you to a deeper understanding of who you really are?  And what if your true nature is oneness... the very opposite of aloneness?

Yesterday, 24th October, was
Global Oneness Day. It was dedicated to feeling connected to a global community, to experiencing a deep peace within and to knowing that you are not alone -- that you are at one with all of life.
That’s all very well, I hear you say, but what if you don’t know what purpose the aloneness is serving!

Aloneness is the joy of being just yourself. It is being joyous with yourself, it is enjoying your own company. There are very few people who enjoy their own company. And it is a very strange world: nobody enjoys their own company and everybody wants others to enjoy their company! If they don't enjoy, they feel insulted -- and alone they feel disgusted with themselves. In fact, if YOU cannot enjoy your own company, who else is going to enjoy it? Your aloneness is your essential being. 

Meditation is total freedom, aloneness, the flight of the alone to the alone. There is no other.  One hundred percent mindfulness will be needed -- less than that won't do. 

Aloneness, solitude is positive. It is overflowing joy for no reason. It is our very nature to be joyous; hence there is no need to depend on anybody else. There is no other motive in it, it is simply there. Just as the water flows downwards, your being rises upwards. Just give it a chance -- give it solitude. And remember again, solitude is not solitariness, just as aloneness is not loneliness. You must make a distinction between two words: lonely and alone. In the dictionary they carry the same meaning, but those who have been meditating, they know the distinction. They are not the same, they are as different as possible.

Loneliness is an ugly thing; loneliness is a depressive thing -- it is a sadness; it is an absence of the other. Loneliness is the absence of the other -- you would like the other to be there, but the other is not, and you feel that and you miss them. YOU are not there in loneliness, the absence of the other is there.

Alone? -- it is totally different. YOU are there, it is your presence; it is a positive phenomenon. You don't miss the other, you meet yourself.

If you are alone, you grow, because there is space to grow -- nobody else to hamper, nobody else to obstruct, nobody else to create more complex problems. Alone you grow, and as much as you want to grow you can grow because there is no limit, and you are happy being with yourself, and a bliss arises.

Loneliness is a state of mind when you are constantly missing the other, aloneness is the state of mind when you are constantly delighted in yourself. Loneliness is miserable, aloneness is blissful. Loneliness is always worried, missing something, hankering for something, desiring for something; aloneness is a deep fulfillment, not going out, tremendously content, happy, celebrating. In loneliness you are off centre, in aloneness you are centred and rooted

This is about putting YOU first.

If you feel there are blocks or negativity in your life, or you wish to understand your qualities or what lessons you have chosen to learn, then book a Spiritual Response Therapy with me, which can be done for anyone living anywhere, via the internet.  This will clear them all away in your Soul Records (Akashic Records) and the shift will be life changing.

Meditation classes are Wednesday 2nd November at 7pm-8.30pm in Chigwell Row, Essex

Monday, 17 October 2011


In the past few months many women clients have been asking me about relationships and how to be attractive to the right men.  The thing about being a woman is that you're already attractive. Really, you are. You don't have to do anything. A man becomes attached to you because he feels safe and attracted to your energy.

In fact - it's the DOING that gets us into trouble. It's the thing we've all been taught to "do" with a man, and it's the thing that just makes our attractiveness disappear. The harder we try, the less interested he is in us, so stop trying.  Just be yourself. 

Some clients have asked me about being attracted to a man and he isn't committing to them. Most women worry and complain to friends, and try to behave as if it was all ok and that they’re "handling" things. As if it was ok, to be treated badly; not being kissed or hugged or spoken badly to. It feels humiliating and horrible.

Ladies it’s important for you to know, that a woman needs to know that she deserves to be loved and feel loved.

So, should a woman pull away from a man who wants to be "friends," without having more and more discussion about his point of view - is this running away?

Is it selfish?  Definitely NOT!

The only way to treat a man who sleeps with you and then wants to be your "friend" is to say how you feel - "I feel feelings for you beyond friendship, and so I don't want to be friends with you just now...and then DROP HIM COMPLETELY OUT OF YOUR LIFE!

Some men don't need more than a “friends with benefits” relationship. There may not be another woman. There may be many other women. There may not be another woman for years. Makes no difference. He may never be into ANY woman. He may frequent prostitutes for all anyone knows.

So ladies what should you do….

1. Drop him out of your life. Completely. NO CONTACT.


Smile back at all men. Accept every invitation you get to anywhere. Leave the house and be in the company of some man.

Feel what it’s like to be with a man . Yeah, maybe a boring man, maybe a quiet man, maybe a not-so- sexy man, maybe a man you can't or won't fall in love with.

This is about rebuilding your self-esteem in the company of men who WANT to be with you, who want to make you happy, who want to give you what YOU want.

It's very difficult to lift yourself up in the company of a man who always makes you feel bad.

Most women have been through this at some point. Now it's ENOUGH. Enough is enough.

This is about saying NO.

This is not about throwing things away, or belittling someone or yourself, or talking, or communicating, or arguing, or trying to understand, or giving someone the benefit of the doubt, or even getting into your feelings and expressing them.

This is about putting YOU first.

If you feel there are blocks or negativity around you and relationships, book a Spiritual Response Therapy with me, which can be done for anyone living anywhere, via the internet.  This will clear them all away in your Soul Records (Akashic Records) and the shift will be life changing.

Monday, 3 October 2011


As always I wish to share with you something about the lessons I am learning at the moment, in case they could be of any use to you. 

The lessons I am learning right now are so dark and difficult and I know many people right now are also facing great difficulties and don’t know how best to deal with them. Mine is letting go.  Letting go of the love of my life; letting go of my children as they fly the nest; letting go of my dream home; letting go of sugar cravings and letting go of outcome.  So how am I learning to “let go”?

In September I went to a week’s workshop of drama improvisation and found the key was laughter.  Last week I went to the Festival of Life in London and attended a Laughter Workshop which was funny!  After all, it is said that laughter is the best medicine, whether you are ill or depressed. So if you have a funny film or favourite comedian to watch, do it.     

You may have already read or heard that by the law of attraction, our thoughts create our reality.  If they are constantly reinforced by thinking of them over and over again, they gain a certain power of their own.  They then become “thought forms” and take on a life of their own, like a demon which feeds on fear and misery, which makes you feel helpless and stuck.  Fortunately these negative energies can be cleared by Spiritual Response Therapy, deleting them in your Soul records (Akashic records). I am so grateful that I have been trained to do this clearing.

This will create a positive path for you to take responsibility for your own well-being and to look after yourself by eating healthily and regularly.

Also, to do an activity such as walking, dancing, swimming etc.

And to fight any feelings of depression with determination that the situation will be overcome, by living life to the full by socialising and focusing on others, plus finding the humour in the situation!

There are days when your thoughts will fight to be heard, even when you’re doing your best to change them.  It happens to all of us.  Just send love, forgiveness, gratitude and blessings to the person or event which has caused you pain and recognise what your lesson was from the experience. 

We are each here to learn from each other and there is nothing right or wrong, so don’t be hard on yourself.  It just IS.  And our main lesson is to learn that all there is - is LOVE.  Know your angel is always with you.  Just ask for help.

Have a funny ha ha week!

Monday, 26 September 2011

Solar Plexus Chakra

The meditation group are learning about the chakras and we have been focusing on specific one each week.

A trauma in childhood can cause an imbalance, such as age inappropriate responsibilities, causing an imbalance in the 3rd chakra (solar plexus).

Sometimes the situation within a family requires that the child grow up too quickly and take on responsibilities that are beyond the maturity of their age.  Parental substance abuse, poverty, illness, death or divorce may push a child into the role of surrogate spouse or parent. 

This usually leaves the child with an overwhelming feeling of inadequacy.  Such inadequacy not only attaches itself to every task attempted in the future, but also to one’s very concept of self. 

As Alice Miller has said “One is free from depression when self-esteem is based on the authenticity of one’s own feelings and not on the possession of certain qualities.”

Healing the third chakra is essential for maintaining healthy metabolism, balancing the distribution of energy throughout the body, and determining the course of our lives with appropriate responsibility and freedom.  To achieve this, we need to work on the internal first.  We need to undo the knots of old habit patterns that drag us downward, the binding fears from the past that rule us, the paralysing self-scrutiny of our shame, or the compulsive acting out of unresolved conflicts. 

Give up wanting everything assured ahead of time and accepting that there might be criticism, challenge, misunderstanding, rejection or a possibility of failure. 

The challenge of power is to mature, accept responsibility and carve the shape of our future through our own proactivity.  Our power increases through meeting challenges and resolving them successfully.  We must be willing to take risks, venture into the unknown and escape the gravity of the familiar.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Robert Detzler

Yesterday I met a man who has changed my life.  He had no idea who I was and how his teaching of Spiritual Response Therapy to 2 people way back at a Mind, Body & Soul exhibition in the 90’s would reach out to so many people, including me.

Robert Detzler is a teacher, counsellor and minister who introduced Spiritual Response Therapy, to the world.  This is a psychic spiritual method that uses universal energies to heal past life traumas and subconscious blocks. 

I booked his class as he is doing a teaching tour in Europe and there were 90 of us from Great Britain, Ireland, Belgium and France.  It was the first time he’s been in the UK since 1994, so I grabbed this opportunity with a personal mission to shake his hand.  And that is exactly what I did.  He also kindly invited people to the front of the class for Body Re-structuring and my lower back pain and neck ache have amazingly gone, without any kind of touch whatsoever! Awesome.

He was very informative yesterday…

As a minister he believes that 90% of the bible is symbols and 10% is history. 

He said that no-one can “attack” you psychically.  It’s your “belief” that makes it real. 

He mentioned that anyone with Asthma or a breathing challenge is most likely due to a past life where they died from poisoned gas or were drowned in a moat containing sewage and nasty things!  I am pleased to say that all this can all be cleared in a person’s soul records.

How a therapist can check the physical body of the fetus and ask if it’s developing properly.  If it’s not then it can be corrected!

How using “995” can bless food and raise the energy. 

Plus many other enlightening things!

His dear wife Mary Ann was with him and she gave a wonderful speech in memory of a teacher who had very recently passed over.

Robert explained that the Earth is a place of transformation and learning.  He said he has had many lives where he learnt a lot but didn’t put it into action.  So in this life it is his opportunity to rectify that. 

Earth is a place where each one of us, can make a difference.  Well Robert, you certainly have and from the bottom of my heart, thank you. 

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Cortijo Romero

I have just returned from a very extraordinary place, nestled among spectacular mountains in enclosed gardens. I felt I was visiting friends in a large private home where you could help yourself to hot drinks, fruit juice and biscuits whenever you liked.  Sitting at the poolside looking at the stunning scenery, I could feel the energy of  harmony and beauty  cradling me.

I was lucky enough to be given a bedroom in the original farm house which  is built around an enclosed courtyard, with the main group room opening off it, where we “flipped to the fun side” with Alison Goldie each day, learning drama improvisation which was non-stop laughter. 

Just outside the room was a stone staircase leading to a large flat roof, where Brenda taught us yoga each morning, ending with the church bell from the nearby town.  And each night I lay star-gazing and was delighted and awed to see shooting stars.

Not only was this a very special place, it was inspirational.  Two ladies in particular shone.  One had had a mastectomy and had been affected by the recommended drugs, causing joint pain.  This didn’t deter her from travelling alone or from swimming half naked in the swimming pool. Outstanding courage and bravery. 

The other lady had been blind since the age of 16 and again this didn’t deter her from travelling alone, sunbathing and feeling comfortable baring all.  She asked for no help unless she specifically requested it.  Balls of string were attached to the orchard area so when she went down the steps, she could be guided to her blanket for sunbathing.  Her sense of humour and vivid personality were marvellous.

It put everything into perspective and reminded me to be grateful for what I have and to be perfectly comfortable in my own skin.

Will I be going back?  You bet!

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

31st August

This time last year when my relationship hit apparently insurmountable problems, we didn’t decide to call it a day, with all the agonising pain that involves; but decided that a separation would be the answer. 

Back in 1976 when people wore baggy trousers and maxi dresses, I fell in love for the first time.  Fifteen years old, and we were in big, proper love straight out of a movie, the way only teenagers can be, when you’d gladly follow him to the ends of the earth.

Flash forward a few years and we’re in our 40’s and the cracks are starting show.  The trouble with meeting your soul mate young is that the grass is always greener on the other side of the M25.  He’d see his younger colleagues all having fun, breaking up with women only to meet a new and improved model the next weekend… and he was, there’s no right word for it, envious.  He looked in the mirror, saw the thinning hair and flashes of grey and felt like an old man who had to watch the rest of the world roll merrily by, while he spent weekends laying horizontal in front the tv.  Was he missing out on the best years of his life.  To the 52 year old man, it certainly seemed that way.

I was having doubts too – he could sense it.  Plus there were just too many occasions when he went out and I wasn’t invited! Hmmmm

In no time we were rowing and eventually we both cracked.  I can’t do this any more he said, the fun’s gone out the window, I have to have my own space. 

So we acted like adults and decided to take a break from each other
Although tearful, we both knew things had to change.  So instead of ripping each other’s hearts out, we acted like adults.  So off he went and our separation began.  Did I have fun?  The honest answer is No.  I still went out with my girlfriends which I did before, but did someone come and sweep me off my feet? Not yet…

Did he have fun?  His honest answer is No.  Clubbing, drinking, drugs…. Not his scene afterall. Yet the legal proceedings are underway….

If a couple is truly meant to be together, you can look back and laugh at the year that has flown by.  Easier to do when young and childless, not so easy when older and have kids.  We’re now going to be grandparents in a few weeks and we’re planning our eldest son’s wedding next year.  The ties will always bind us as well as nearly 35 years of memories and dare I say love….

Monday, 22 August 2011

August 2011

I have not written a blog for the past few weeks.  August began with an end of term dinner for the meditation groups which was a very enjoyable evening, reflecting back on how far people have progressed since last September.

Attending a family wedding with my estranged husband was a particularly tough time for me personally but I also believe that this month has been a challenge for many others too.  Thank goodness Mercury retrograde ends this week on Aug 26 the shadow ends Sept 9.  It’s been pushing us to look at issues of what our energy is focused on, what it is being used to create and whether we are happy with the results. You may have recognised more awareness and sensitivity to changes in your life and in others.

I ran “Live a Better Life” workshop this month which was very successful  and Nina was one of the participants. 
This is what Nina said “When they say your prayers will be answered I believed but never thought it would manifest!  After being drawn to Heather after months of being on the mailing list and not knowing who she was, I desperately needed help and I thought well I will give this a go!  Being oblivious to the signs of the universe I went for some SRT and was so overwhelmed I went in despair and came out with a feeling of abundance.  That weekend was by far the worst and best of my life.  Within 24 hours my path was cleared after the therapy and I have never looked back!  After following Heather’s careful guidance I joined the meditation class and in the past four weeks I have grown! I also attended “Live a Better Life” workshop and found it so inspiring.  I would more than highly recommend it is a must if you are questioning what’s going on? Don’t! Please see Heather she IS the answer to your prayers!

I then volunteered as a “Workshop Angel” at Gaunts House Summer Festival which was a wonderful event of workshops, music and meeting like-minded people. 

Having time out to review and reflect I recognised that now it’s important to LISTEN. A lot of us feel like we’ve been treading water. August has been about choices.  Every day we are making a choice to follow one path instead of another because each choice takes us down a different path. We have actually created our choices through our beliefs, thoughts and perceptions of what we think our world should be. 

Some people will experience this transformation through the filter of their fears and have to address their own energetic alignment and integrity (to be true to themselves). They will make choices that include us, or not. They will act from their fear and may decide that the life they have is wrong for them and abandon it, and us. They may become so different that we can no longer be with them. 

What is removed will be replaced by what fits our energy so we can be surrounded by people that we can and want to be connected and who can and want to be connected to us.   So focus on getting your sense of power back and making yourself happy.  Know that you’ll be alright no matter what!

Glastonbury 2011

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Everything is Perfect!

There was a Mind, Body & Soul event locally and I organised a workshop on Meditation.  I also offered tasters of Spiritual Response Therapy which most people have not heard of and don’t understand how life changing it is; clearing “blocks” and “negativity” in a client’s Soul records.

I sat in a corner of the stage amongst colleagues offering tarot readings.  It was a very hot day and there weren’t people at the event but most of the tarot readers had clients.  Luckily someone I already knew came to me for a “clearing of energies”, but no-one new.  I trusted that everything was “perfect” and was very grateful to receive guidance from a tarot reader as we chatted! 

Then I announced that there was going to be a meditation workshop in another room.  Two ladies that I hadn’t met before joined me and one of them said how she had enjoyed the meditation and wished to find a local meditation group.  Two weeks later she joined my weekly meditation class.

She was a single unemployed mum of two children and had been experiencing a struggle with her next door neighbour who was creating a lot of noise and disturbance. During the meditation she received an amazing gift of her animal guide, who gave her inner guidance. It was an Elephant, who can teach us that gentleness, commitment, and communication in relationships is very powerful and necessary to keep relationships alive, trusting and loving, whether it be friends, family or partner.  They are the embodiment of strength and power.

She returned the following week and said that her attitude had changed, so when her neighbour made a noise, she turned up her own music and sang loudly, blotting out the disturbance from next door.  She had got in touch with her inner strength and power and had communicated with her neighbours that their noise was unacceptable.  She felt back in “control” and had informed the local council who were going to deal with it. I don’t believe in coincidence and it turned out that one of the other members of the group happens to work for the local council and gave her even more advice on how to handle the situation!   I explained that  things just work out in ways that amaze us, even when it looks like nothing is happening or the Universe is sitting on its hands while our life is falling apart, everything is working perfectly.

Her intention of finding a meditation group and of a solution to her situation was powerful and started the process of creating miracles.  We aren't always aware of the best and most wonderful way things can happen. Sometimes it seems like the Universe is working against us but it’s really creating the best solution for us. That's why it is important to release all attachments to outcomes and know that it is our intention, fuelled by our willingness to believe, have faith and trust in the Universe, that allows the outcome will be exactly what we ask for and it all works out, often in amazing and surprising ways.  She’s now put out her intention of the perfect job…. I’ll keep you posted!

Monday, 11 July 2011


I have blogged before about the fact that my family has two dogs.  Bella is a Doberman and Vito is a large Yorkshire terrier.  Bella has her name because she is “beautiful” inside and out , but she’s very much a typical dog- she loves digging holes, chewing bones, playing and most importantly, eating. Vito has his name after the “Godfather” and he believes he’s in charge!

When my man said that he wanted a “guard” dog and a Doberman would be best, I shook my head and said I preferred a docile, intelligent chocolate Labrador.  Yet he insisted and rang me a few weeks later to say that he was at a breeder with our youngest son and there was a lovely litter of Doberman’s.  He was so intent on this breed that I relented and went to visit the breeder with our son a week later. 

At the top of the stairs there was a scramble of puppies all climbing over each other to meet me and bite the furry waistcoat I was wearing!  Yet one of them sat up very very straight as if to say “I’m a good girl” and that was the one my heart reached out to. 

We collected her when she was ready to leave her mother and Bella joined our family.  Having never lived with a Doberman before I had no idea how loving she would be and how close she liked to snuggle into you.  I completely fell over heels in love with her. 

She was very jealous of our other dog and several times she would grab him by the scruff of his neck and “rag” him, which was very scary to experience and we had to discipline her until she understood that this was unacceptable behaviour.  There was plenty of love to go round and there was no need for jealousy.

We took her for training as she became aggressive when meeting other dogs and this was fine whilst she was with the trainer, but when I took her out she continued to “protect” me and was aggressive to other dogs.  But at least the training helped her ignore joggers, cyclists and other walkers.

I relied on my man to walk her until recently when the responsibility became mine.  What had she come to teach me?  To face my fear.  Fear of not being able to control her aggressiveness and fear of many other things in my life.
Each morning I wake up with the knowledge that I have to take them out and every day I have to face my fears.  I take full responsibility by keeping Bella on the lead and putting a muzzle on her.  I keep alert and when seeing other dog walkers, I steer her into a different direction.  Each day is getting easier.  Slowly I am taking back control of my life and Bella is teaching me how.

Monday, 4 July 2011


Peter Andre is my inspiration for how he conducted himself in his split from his wife Katie Price.  His family devotion to his brothers, parents and children, including Katie’s first child, Harvey, is totally admirable and he’s just won the award for “best Dad” for the 2nd year!
He knew that his marriage to Katie needed to be released, although it caused great pain and has taken him 2 years to feel “himself” again with the enormous support of his brother, family and management team.

The spiritual principle of surrender, which is letting go, is not the same as giving up and feeling defeated, which is what many clients feel when they have to continue to let go, long past the point where they are comfortable with the process. And they turn that into a process of stripping away everything from their life until they have nothing left. Then they wonder what they can possibly let go of because they don't have anything left. Now the real work can begin.

One client has been struggling to keep his marriage for the last 10 months and it has been very difficult. Then a few weeks ago we talked about allowing the marriage to end. As soon as he decided to let the marriage go he felt a huge weight lift from his shoulders. Then came a sense of freedom and joy, as opportunities for change that were not possible even a week before, began to appear.

We cannot let go of everything until we understand our attachments from the level of our beliefs, what we think about ourselves and what we think others will think of us. Wherever we resist release there are strong beliefs that are asking to be released. We see this in a material way but the real issue is energetic. How much of ourselves is centered or invested in that? What does letting go mean to our belief system? How do we feel about ourselves after that is done? What new beliefs do we need to create to not feel that we have lost everything and instead, gained our spiritual and emotional freedom, when we let go? These are questions to ponder now after the eclipse on 1st July, as we let go until we can surrender to a new life and manifest the promise of the future.

Who inspires you?

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Butterfly Love

In the workshop “Are you looking for a life partner” I told the group the story of the butterfly, which is the symbol of pure love.  A person with a net in hand chases time and time again after the butterfly and just as the net closes near it, the butterly flutters out of reach.

Just as a person who goes to bars and clubs specifically mindful of meeting their true love, finds it just beyond their reach, as their energy of desperation repels the love they seek.

When a person loves themself and doesn’t “need” anyone to “complete” them as they are truly whole, then the butterfly will come and sit on their shoulder.  By the law of attraction, love will come along at the right time.

As I walked around the fields near my home today, I watched as the butterflys fluttered out of the long grass as my two dogs rushed through.  The brightly coloured butterflys were particularly beautiful and I asked in my mind for love to come and sit on my shoulder.

I continued walking and went through the gate to another section and in a split second a beautiful coloured butterfly flew onto my shoulder!!!  As I registered what had happened, it fluttered away and I was completely blown away as my request had been granted within minutes!

Never doubt that your thoughts are not “heard” by higher energies, whether you believe in God, Angels and/or Guides.  They are listening and helping us every step of the way!


Love can never be exclusive. The sun does not choose to shine on some flowers in the garden and not others. Love is inclusive and has many faces - caring, listening, sharing from the heart, just accepting someone for what they are right now, are all acts of love, as long as you seek nothing in return. It all starts with acceptance of yourself - you're just fine as you are right now, warts and all. It's not that you will stay that way for ever - but you might, if you don't accept. The secret key to the greatest door called love is acceptance. First your self, then others (especially the ones you currently resist) and eventually ...all. 

To attract, heal, or balance relationships is to realize that the most
important relationship you have is with yourself, every other
relationship follows from there."

Philosopher Soren Kierkegaard “Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards”.  We have to learn from experience, otherwise we keep making the same mistakes and taking them into each new relationship.

I hope that a butterfly lands on your shoulder.

Busy Being Happy